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Key Skills for Kids: Dyslexia


Regular price $13.00

Priddy, Roger

Trade Paperback, 128 pages

Key Skills for Kids: Dyslexia is the latest title in the series designed to help children learn at home. This book focuses on developing skills in two of the main areas of dyslexia, phonological awareness, and verbal memory. There are five different sections within the 128pp workbook: alphabet work, phonological awareness, memory work, reading, and writing. The activities in each section build up in difficulty and also provide plenty of opportunities for practicing new skills.

Developed with specialist dyslexia consultants, the exercises have been carefully chosen to support children aged 6 and 7 with dyslexia to help to learn skills to aid them with their learning. The book also provides opportunities for multi-sensory learning as it includes removable flash cards and a wipe-clean alphabet arc. Part of the Key Skills series alongside Key Skills: English; Key Skills: Math; Key Skills: Toddlers; and Key Skills: Summer.