Trade Paperback, 32 pages
La pequeña Rosa intenta de todo para "dominar" su pelo, pero ¿hace falta tanto esfuerzo para ser auténtica? Rosa es una niña cuyo pelo pareciera indomable. Su familia trata de ayudarla, le aconsejan trenzarlo, alisarlo, ocultarlo y hasta raparlo... Nada de lo que intenta la hace realmente feliz, pero poco a poco Rosa encontrará una solución distinta a lo que los demás esperan de ella. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Rosa tries everything to "tame" her hair, but is all that effort necessary in order to be authentic? Rosa is a girl whose hair seems untamable. Her family tries to help her, advising her to braid it, straighten it, hide it, and even shave it... Nothing she tries really makes her happy, but little by little, Rosa will find a different solution than what others expect of her.